
New Study Highlights Disconnect Between Teens and Parents


Disconnect Between Teens and Parents

New Study Highlights Disconnect Between Teens and Parents

Monday, August 5th, 2024

Adolescence is a period of significant physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes. Teens without parental approval and encouragement during this crucial time may struggle to develop healthy coping mechanisms and self-regulation skills. 

Lacking the resources to manage stress and peer pressure can also make children more vulnerable to mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. The consequences can be long-lasting, potentially preventing them from forming meaningful relationships and achieving their academic or career goals.

While all parents see themselves as their children’s champions, there may be a vast difference between your opinion and reality. Recent research published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified a significant gap between the support parents believe they provide and what their teens perceive. While 76.9% of parents surveyed said they were always there for their teens, only 27.5% of children between the ages of 12 and 17 reported feeling like that was the case.

5 Ways to Be More Present for Your Child 

Addressing their children’s unique needs can equip parents with the tools to thrive. However, adolescents are not always forthcoming about asking for help. How can you stay involved in your child’s life while giving them the privacy and autonomy they need to grow, learn, and develop independence?

  1. When your teen shares a problem, actively listen without judgment or interruption. Allow them to express their feelings or frustrations without immediately trying to solve the problem.
  2. Ask open-ended questions encouraging your teen to elaborate, such as “What happened at school today?” or “What’s been on your mind lately?” Regular check-ins, even brief ones, can keep the lines of communication open.
  3. Teenagers need plenty of independence. Respect their boundaries while maintaining open communication. Encourage them to make decisions and take on more responsibility while making yourself available for advice and guidance. 
  4. Make time for one-on-one activities you both enjoy, like going for a walk or cooking dinner. This quality time can strengthen your bond without feeling forced.
  5. Take time to learn about your teen’s hobbies or special interests. Demonstrating your enthusiasm is a nonverbal way to show you care about the person your child is becoming.

Recognizing When Your Teenager Needs Professional Help

Here are some signs that your teen may have emotional or behavioral issues. Noticing persistent changes or patterns and seeking counseling early is crucial for getting your child the needed assistance.

  • Significant shifts in mood, behavior, or academic performance
  • Withdrawing from hobbies, friends, and extracurricular activities
  • Risky behaviors like substance abuse, self-harm, or reckless driving
  • Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, low self-esteem, or hopelessness
  • Frequent irritability or angry outbursts
  • Changes in sleeping or eating habits
  • Bullying, aggression, or other antisocial behaviors

Teen Counseling Services in Miami

Ultimately, identity and self-worth are vital for managing stress, solving problems, and making informed decisions. However, the absence of family support can stunt a child’s social and emotional growth, making it harder for them to develop the life skills necessary to thrive in adulthood. 

Patience, respect, and open communication are essential during this transitional time – even if your child is occasionally distant or withdrawn. Remember, the demands of schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and social obligations can become overwhelming for teens.
Issues like anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and related concerns can make it difficult for an adolescent to open up to you. As a trusted partner in teen mental health, R&A Therapeutic Partners helps our young clients discover a brighter future. We offer family therapy and counseling to strengthen the bonds between parents and children. Contact us to learn more about working with our team.

At R&A Therapeutic Partners Raymond Estefania and Ana Moreno specialize in substance use and mental health disorder evaluations, treatment, intervention and therapeutic/educational consulting for clients throughout the greater South Florida area, as well as nationally and internationally. For more resources and information please visit Therapeutic-Partners.com or on Facebook.

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